Trump in Puerto Rico: A narcissist’s tour de force (Opinion)

“I watched the other day,” said the TV-addicted President, “and she was saying such nice things about all of the people who have worked so hard. Jenniffer, do you think you can say a little bit of what you said about us today?” He quickly added, “It’s not about me,” but of course it was.

Was it?

I am not so sure. It seems like it was a lot about an extrovert Trump and an introvert Puerto Rico.

Within those context’es; Trump’s dealing with a internal mass shooting and Puerto Rico is dealing with an external natural event.

The mass shooting seems to have a lot to do with the posture of Trump’s presidency, i.e  the direction it was going. Puerto Rico’s storm seems to be all about their position on earth. Or maybe I got that backwards.

Trump just doesn’t know he is losing his position at the center of the storm.

Let’s hope that Puerto Rico’s posture is a winning one, as, from their position, they posture against the next storm.

Source: Trump in Puerto Rico: A narcissist’s tour de force (Opinion) – CNN

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